Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy Birthday, Samuel.

Samuel, it's your birthday. God bless you this day. You gave me the gift of a little brother, and I'm proud of you today. Samuel, it's your birthday. Happy birthday, Samuel. Samuel, it's your birthday. Happy birthday, Samuel. I wish you love and good will. I wish you praise and joy. I wish you better than your heart desires and a lemon cake with soy. Samuel, it's your birthday. Happy birthday, Samuel. Samuel, it's your birthday. Happy birthday, Samuel. Yeah!

Chekhov and Pushkin are also proud of you.

As is whoever you were texting.

Just picture me singing to you, okay?


k . e . said...

I love this song. I always sing it to people on their birthdays!

Unknown said...

K: I love it too!

S: as a p.s. I don't actually wish you a lemon cake with soy. I still wish you your John Lennon dream house, I just couldn't think of a way to rhyme it.

Anonymous said...

I love this song! Thanks for reminding me that it exists. I remember being really touched when I was in middle school seeing this episode. Reminds me of the love of my only brother!

Unknown said...

Carrie: So sweet, right? Especially coming from Bart. I loved the episode so much as a child for that very same touching reason.