Friday, September 24, 2010

15 Books.

15 books that changed my life, yadi yadi yada.

1. The Little Prince, St. Exuprey
2. Anna Karenina, Tolstoy
3. The History of Love, Kraus
4. Works of Love, Kierkegaard
5. Fear and Trembling, Kierkegaard
6. The Great Divorce, Lewis
7. The Giver, Lowry
8. The Idiot, Dostoevsky
9. White Nights, Dostoevsky
10. Sofia Petrovna, Chukovskaya
11. East of Eden, Steinbeck
12. The Road, Mccarthy
13. Thus Spake Zarathustra, Nietzsche
14. Totality and Infinity, Levinas
15. Sophie's World, Gaarder

honorable mentions:
Skinny Bitch, Barnouin, Freedman
The Secret Life of Bees, Kidd
Ender's Game, Card
Chronicles of Narnia, Lewis
Siddhartha, Hesse


Lia said...

No Peter Pan?
I'm glad that Ender's Game at least received an honorable mention or I don't think we could be friends. =) And I like to think if we ever lived in the same place and got a chance to know each other we would be good friends.

Savanna said...

I've only read like 5 of these :( and Chronicles of Narnia is definitely top 5 for me.

Unknown said...

LIa! As soon as you said that, I thought, "How could I have forgotten Peter Pan!?" Clearly I have been influenced by so very many books. And that is definitely a favorite one. Ender's Game was my favorite book in high school, and I think I have read it more than any single other. I concur, that if that chance were to come our friendship (and future book clubs) would bloom.

Savanna, I love love Chronicles of Narnia. Forever and ever, amen.