Monday, May 23, 2011


I helped work on this exhibit, the very tiniest, little bit. Mainly editing preproduction things and a few of the narratives within the catalog. I also spent at least one night installing the art inside the space. (Who knew hanging art on walls could be so hard?)

The theme of the exhibit is a little tricky for me to describe, but deals with time, space, architecture, film, other medias, and interactivity. I recommend watching the promotion below for a clearer idea. The show boasts over 100 pieces of art from over 50 artists--some of whom have awards. Academy Awards. (And likely other kinds.)

If you (yes, you), happen to live in the LA area (or happen to be visiting), you should come to the opening this Thursday, May 26. Or at least check out the website.

There will be yummy treats to boot.

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