Friday, November 28, 2008

Giving thanks

Things I am grateful for as of late:
Warm things. Pretty things. Outstitute. Utah visitors. Pizza and conversations about pizza. Being in California right now and having it not be a dreadful prospect to go outside. Being with my nieces. Holding my nieces. Trying to be vegan, and eating and feeling better because of it. My newly purple bedroom and trying to make spaces around me more beautiful/places that I want to be. My telephone conversation with Reid. Sam singing my favorite song. Holding hands with Charity at Disney Land, and the phrase, "Holding hands are happy hands." Hyrum's good news. The Little Prince which I am reading again for the umpteenth time.

Things I am always grateful for:
My family. Friends who are real friends. Moderate weather. Genuine people. Sleeping. Books that make me feel.


Katie said...

Good ones.

Tree Peeps said...

I'm thankful for a friend like you!