Just a few things.
1. For some reason I remember dates and for some reason they're important to me. On this date three years ago I walked into the MTC, one step at a time. I keep thinking about that day, and what it meant to me then, and what it means to me now. I also can't help but remember the days and weeks before that momentous occasion.
2. I bore my testimony today, primarily for myself, to help me remember the things I really do believe--to ingrain them in me more deeply. As I was walking to my seat afterward the boy who spoke next said, "That girl should serve a mission..." Looking at my friends, I said, "That girl
served a mission." Later Becca told me that she said the same thing from her seat. Mainly it was just funny to me.
3. I love Meg and Becca with all of my heart. This is nothing new, just two experiences today confirmed/reinforced it.
4. I like midnight bike rides up to campus. This is also nothing new. What is new is laying on the JFSB's courtyard counting the stars. Evan counted 57. I counted 55. Derik counted 44. This was the highlight of my week.
5. Provo's skate park features some impressive 15 year old boys. Seriously.
6. Lia and Eden got back last night. Eden is sick, which is sad, but it is still good to see her/them. Already our house is not as clean or as quiet as it has been the last several, several days, but this too is okay. I would rather them be here.
7. I like my parents living in Provo and I like family dinners.